Although it seems like the commandments are very unfair they were once actually fair and realistic. We have uncovered the truth behind the confusing and disputed 7 commandments of animal farm. We have found documents from snowball that have the original commandments.
The original commandments seem to actually be affected by the pigs in power who changed them to there own advantage. Some of the original commandments were: All animals are equal, and no animal shall drink alcohol. As we know now they were changed no animals shall drink alcohol to excess, and all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. The pigs changed the alcohol rule after they realized they enjoyed the drinking. Also the all animals are equal rule was changed when the pigs realized they could get more power if they were more equal then the other pigs.
These shocking changes were not exposed earlier because the pigs used manipulation to trick the animals. Sadly, the animals though that the commandments had always been this way, so they worked harder for the gain of the pigs. Another commandment that was changed was no animal shall sleep in a bed. This commandment was made because the original animals thought that this was too much of a human like activity. The commandment was changed to no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. The pigs changed this because they wanted to be in a position in power and have luxuries like a bed. They lied to the animals again and changed the commandment. This was just another example of the tyranny insured by the pigs.
Some other commandments that were installed in the beginning that were also changed, like whatever goes on 2 legs is the enemy. The pigs then went on two legs toward the end of the book to look like they were in power. The pigs used many things to manipulate the animals and change the 7 commandments of the original animal farm. The recent exposure of the original commandments has caused unrest in the animal farm community and around the world.
wow wat a great story max, whoever u are